miércoles, mayo 30

See you, Anthony!

1year students wanted to have a special moment to say Anthony "See you in October!" Yes! In October, because we have been very lucky. Anthony is coming back next school year! 

Los alumnos de 1ESO querían tener un momento especial para decirle a Anthony "¡Nos vemos en octubre!" ¡Sí! En octubre, porque hemos tenido mucha suerte. ¡Anthony vuelve el próximo curso!

miércoles, mayo 23

El Torcal: Our experience

Here you are what some of our students told us about "El Torcal".

Aquí tenéis lo que algunos de nuestros alumnos nos contaron sobre "El Torcal".

My class, 2º A, and I were waiting for the bus at half past eight in the morning. In the bus, I was talking to my classmate. In the Torcal, first we visited the Lower Torcal, where we played a game called “cumpleaños”.Then, we saw “La casilla de Juan Ramos”. After that, in the Upper Torcal, we saw a video about the Torcal.
Then, we walked the yellow route. Halfway along the route, we had lunch.Finally, we came back to Antequera.

Miguel Molina

On Tuesday, the 8th of May, 2012, I went with my family to the Torcal. I saw a variety of flowers and animals there. There were some oaks and maples, orchids, wild rose- bushes and ivies. And animals like the fox, a herd of goats, butterflies and an eagle. We fed the goats and the fox. My cousins came. They had never seen the Torcal and they thought it was very nice. We ate there with them.
There were many fossils in the soil, such as ammonites. We went to see the rocks which were shaped like a sphinx, the two guardians, the finger, the chalice, the “sombrerillo” and other things. We had a good time that day.

Laura Ruiz

I think the excursion of Science was very funny and entertaining. I laughed with my friends and we took some photos. I think the video we saw was entertaining. The shapes of the rocks and the fossils were very cool. It was very hot and I ran out of my water halfway along the yellow route. I finished very tired and with a pain in my legs. I was moraine. All my friends burned the face and so did I. My sandwich was very good. I spoke to a German. The shape of some rocks was very interesting and rare.
We saw a fox and it was very near. We watched many foreigners. We made a model of fossil with plaster.

Natalia Navas

viernes, mayo 18

El Torcal, Antequera... let's go!

Our 2year students enjoyed a wonderful day in El Torcal. They learnt very much with the explanations from her teacher, Ana Artacho. Our Comenius Assistant, Scirin and our Language Assistant, Anthony were invited to join them. 

Our bilingual students prepared some posters, made interviews and took photos as part of the activity.

Nuestros alumnos de 2ESO disfrutaron de un día estupendo en El Torcal. Aprendieron mucho con las explicaciones de su profesora, Ana Artacho. También invitamos a nuestras Asistente Comenius, Scirin y a nuestro Asistente Lingüístico, Anthony a que se unieran.

Nuestros estudiantes bilingües prepararon algunos posters, hicieron entrevistas y fotos como parte de la actividad.

Interview made by Alberto López Sánchez  
Poster made by Carlos Sánchez Páez

jueves, mayo 17

Dedicated to all teachers / Dedicado a todos los profesores

As you probably know, education is not having its best time. Politicians think of education as a waste of money instead of an investment. For that reason, this seems to be a perfect day for watching this video. It can be watched in English and read in Spanish. 

Ya sabéis que no son buenos tiempos para la educación. Parece que nuestros gobernantes siguen pensando que la educación es un gasto y no una inversión. Por eso, me ha parecido un día perfecto para ver este vídeo. Lo podemos ver en español y leer en inglés.

viernes, mayo 4

A couple of words about Italy

Italy is much more than pizza and football, but... what do you know about it? Read this presentation made by our Comenius Assistant Scirin Sharef and have fun! 

Italia es mucho más que pizza y fútbol, pero... ¿qué sabes sobre ella? Lee esta presentación elaborada por nuestra Asistente Comenius Scirin Sharef y ¡diviértete!

jueves, mayo 3

Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas

Aquí tenéis la nueva normativa que regula los criterios y procedimientos de admisión del alumnado en las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas. Leedla con atención puesto que han cambiado algunas cosas, como la fecha de pre-inscripción. Recordad que para cursar el mismo idioma que estudiáis debéis tener 16 años y si queréis cursar el segundo idioma que estudiáis, entonces podéis tener 14 años.

El plazo para matrícula en el régimen de enseñanza libre para el curso 2012-2013 es hasta el 22 de mayo y para el resto hasta el día 19 de mayo.

miércoles, mayo 2

I Bookmark Contest: The Prizes!!!

Here you are the prizes that our winners are enjoying now. We are waiting for you to participate next year...!

Estos son los premios que nuestros ganadores están disfrutando. ¡Esperamos que participes el próximo año!